Friday, October 23, 2009

Sasquatch Get Sappy Over Soupy

Sasquatch around the world are mourning the death of Soupy Sales. The actor, comedian was best known as a philanthropist in the Sasquatch community. According to a spokesSasquatch, "He always made time to visit secret shelters and bring a laugh to young, under-privileged Sasquatch addicted to the pipe or just dealing with basic, ontological identity crises."

The influence of this legendary comic can be found in a Sasquatch dictionary left in a cab in St. Mary's Ontario.

Soupy. (adj.) to spread joy and laughter, the way Soupy would after a few bottles of rum, while skeet shooting at a secret terrorist training ground in Northern Ontario.

Example: Dude, you're like so Soupy.

Thanks to our team of Bolivian researchers for digging deep and coming up with the facts on this one.

Pie in your face Soupy. Sleep tight.

Friday, October 02, 2009

American Sasquatch Wisdom

Where's Michael Moore when you need him? This is an excerpt from a conversation on an American blog forum.

Bigfoot doesn't exist
"They haven't found a dead one. With the population growing as [fast as it] is someone would have shot one by now."

While this man was waiting for his automatic camera to take another snap, his truck was stolen by a Sasquatch.

Sasquatch CSI

Where will David Caruso end up?

At Ontario Sasquatch, our goal is to conduct thorough investigations. We strive to use the highest standards of evidence collection. We will make every attempt to contact you in a timely fashion and do an on-site investigation.

We are affiliated with many respected and serious research groups in Canada and the United States. Visit our Other Sites page for links to our close associates.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sasquatch Pick Pockets Clean Up

In some alternative hippie universe Sasquatch pick pockets paid a skinny drunk guy to set off a dance craze so they could loot party-goers. At approximately 0:56 seconds, a Sasquatch youth can be seen joining the fun.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sasquatch is northern Alaska have responded to the Korean missile crisis by promising not to let Governor Sarah Palin leave the state.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sasquatch and Obama. It had to happen.

It's no secret that Sasquatch in Alberta Canada have been harboring Che Guevara since they helped him fake his death in 1967. According to an email intercepted by the RCMP, Che was recently spotted picking mushrooms wearing a Barak Obama tee shirt. It must be true. You can't make up crap like that.