Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Easter Edition

The Easter story is true. Of course it is – things like that happen all the time. Who wouldn’t believe it?

But we at the Sasquatch Report thought it would be fun to rifle through our archives and dig out some lesser-known Easter rumours.

We start with the escape from the cave. As the story goes, Ory, a very famous Sasquatch golfer hit the drive of his life – a soaring fade that would inspire even Dave and Toph. The ball rocketed 600 yards off course and rolled under a boulder that was blocking the entrance to a cave. When Ory got to the cave, he found a group of men in sandals gathered around it. He waited for the group to fall asleep and then hoisted the huge rock out of the way and went in to look for his ball. Inside, he found a hairy young man who said, “Dude, is this your ball?” Ory said yes and thanked the young fella for not moving it. “Yes sir,” said the hairy young dude from Nazareth, “I know that it’s a penalty to move your ball.” The Sasquatch was so impressed with the man’s honesty and respect for golf etiquette, that he invited him to play the back nine with him. As the rumour goes, they spent the afternoon together and the Sasquatch said, “Young hairy dude from Nazareth, you are honest and wise, you should write a book.” At the time, it was more sarcastic than inspirational. Throughout the day, they discussed characters and plot structure while inventing interesting golf formats such as Match Play, Stroke Play, Calcutta and Bingo-Bango-Bongo. At the end of the round the young hairy dude from Nazareth decided not to return to the cave. He now had a mission and a new found love of golf, thanks to Ory the Sasquatch Amateur champion of the year 32 AD. And, as they say, the rest is ‘his’ story (the hair dude that is).

The next rumour involves everyone’s favourite Easter treat, the chocolate bunny. There are those who believe that chocolate bunnies were originally a prank gift, like chocolate penises at bridal showers. It all stems from an old Sasquatch joke that goes something like this: A Sasquatch and a bunny are taking dump in the woods. The Sasquatch says, “Hey little bunny, do you have a problem with crap sticking to your fur?” The bunny says, “No.” So, the Sasquatch says, “Great”, picks up the bunny and uses it to wipe his ass. And, as they say, the rest is his story (the bunny that is).

Finally, we come to the painted chicken egg. Sasquatch lute players were often employed to play calming music in chicken coups. The music relaxed the chickens, resulting in more eggs laid. But, according the Minula Indians the type of music played could affect the colour of the eggs laid. Hard rock lute = white. Jazz lute = brown. Classical lute = orange. A combination of all three colours = poultry hemorrhoids.

Believe what you want, we do. That’s your Easter Edition of the Sasquatch Report. Until next time, don’t forget to shave your back, and keep your head down and your balls on the fairway.

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