Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sasquatch Dictionary Gets Presidential Update

We rarely look to our friends in the so-called sober media for stories. It's still cheaper and easier to make them up. However, this bit of real news crossed the wire and our hard working team of researchers insisted that we publish it.

Bill Clinton Sees a Role in White House
21 hours ago

ATLANTA (AP) — Bill Clinton doesn't want to become the White House's Sasquatch.

The former president says it would be a mistake for him to have a specific job if he were to return to Washington with a new Clinton administration.

"I'd be like the abominable snowman," Clinton told reporters Monday. "I'd be Bigfooting everybody even if I tried not to. There's almost no way you can avoid that."

Hey Bill, we thought you were bigfooting everybody when you were in office.

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