Friday, August 29, 2008

Sasquatches Sever Alcatraz Peninsula

According to an article in 'Severed Peninsulas' magazine, the tip of Alcatraz Peninsula was severed from mainland San Francisco by the Sasquatch Corp of Engineers in late 1743. The island was to be a safe haven resort for Sasquatch seeking peace from the natives.

It's true.


Anonymous said...

I'm confused. You call your blog "Your Friday Sasquatch Report" as if anything else would be interested.
Why not just call it, Your Friday Report?
Or, he pauses to chuckle, are you suggesting that humans can read??
It's enough to make me want to eat my facial hair!

Anonymous said...

That last comment was clearly made by an anonymous Sasquatch. NOT by Eric Gall!

Anonymous said...

Wait, I'm the real anonymous. That Eric Gall is just an imposter.
(Of course, I could be Eric Gall, PRETENDING to be an anonymous Sasquatch... the beauty is...YOU"LL NEVER KNOW!!!)
Unless I admit it on the 17th.

Anonymous said...

See you there.
Eri... er, anonymous.

Pud Sump said...

Shame on y'all an yer ironicalisms. An dont think just cuz ol Pud didnt git much hi lernin he cant reed iroinicalism when he sees it. It aint rhe reel american way to take such sereeusness so unsereeusly. Susquatches are to be held in hi esteem an placed on a pedal. I grind my teeth when I reed yer bum wad of a blog. hope they cum an piss in yer gardn or in yer truck bed.