Friday, January 12, 2007

Sasquatch Readers Write

Dear FSR,
Why don't we hear more about Sasquatch architects and industrial designers?

Dear Gentle Reader,
Normally, we make fun of people who ask questions about Sasquatches. But in your case, we feel compelled to respond. Most Sasquatch designers simply don't find a market for their ideas in the human world because Sasquatches are really big and people aren't.

The most talented Sasquatch designers are forced to modify or downgrade their ideas to reach the lucrative human market for automobiles, furniture, lazy Susans and "battery-operated" devices of pleasure.

Typically, a Sasquatch designer will sell his or her idea to a human such as Leonardo DaVinci and use the money to finance inner-forest Sasquatch youth programs, such as "Don't Screw Human Campers, They're Gross (DSHCTG).

So think about that the next time you cram your over-paid, hairless, human ass into the cockpit of your Audi TT.

P.S. You're ugly and stop sending us intelligent questions.

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